British Columbian K-5 Curriculum with an Indigenous Focus
Mr. Richey Recommends
First Peoples' uses of plants and animals
Aboriginal knowledge of the sky and landscape Aboriginal knowledge of life cycles Aboriginal knowledge of ecosystems First Peoples' perspectives on the effects of the positions of the sun, moon, and Earth Aboriginal concept of interconnectedness in the environment |
1 2 3 4 5 |
English Language Arts
Show awareness of how story in First Peoples’ cultures connects people to family and community Identify & Develop awareness of how story in First Peoples’ cultures connects people to land Demonstrate awareness of the oral tradition in First Peoples’ cultures and the purposes of First Peoples’ texts |
1-2 3-5 4-5 |
Social Studies
People, places, and events in the local community, and in local First Peoples communities Key events and developments in the local community, and in local First Peoples communities Diverse characteristics of communities and cultures in Canada and around the world, including at least one Canadian First Peoples community and culture Learning about indigenous peoples nurtures multicultural awareness and respect for diversity. Indigenous societies throughout the world value the well-being of the self, the land, spirits, and ancestors. Indigenous knowledge is passed down through oral history, traditions, and collective memory. Cultural characteristics and ways of life of local First Peoples and global indigenous peoples Governance and social organization in local and global indigenous societies Interconnections of cultural and technological innovations of global and local indigenous peoples Oral history, traditional stories, and artifacts as evidence about past First Peoples cultures Early contact, trade, cooperation, and conflict between First Peoples and European peoples Demographic changes in pre-Confederation British Columbia in both First Peoples and non-First Peoples communities Interactions between First Peoples and Europeans lead to conflict and cooperation, which continues to shape Canada’s identity. The impact of colonization on First Peoples societies in British Columbia and Canada The history of the local community and of local First Peoples communities Past discriminatory government policies and actions, such as [...] residential schools Levels of government (First Peoples, federal, provincial, and municipal), their main functions, and sources of funding First Peoples land ownership and use |
K 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 |
Local First Peoples
Diversity of Indigenous Peoples
Oral Tradition
Indigenous Art & Technology
Contact, Conflict, & Cooperation
Governance & Land Stewardship
Traditional and contemporary Aboriginal arts and arts-making processes (dances, songs, stories, and objects created by Aboriginal peoples for use in daily life or to serve a purpose inspired by ceremonies or rituals as part of cultural tradition) |
K-5 |

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